Kirstie Trobe Fine Art

Love art, or love creating art? You can find what you want here


Limited edition print being hand finished with iridescent paint

Hand Finished Limited Edition Prints

Take me there ...
  • ART RETREAT, FRANCE 14th-21st JUNE 2025

    Immerse yourself in a week of art, nature and culinary delights in the heart of the French countryside.

    Come and join me 

    Four regular classes to choose from, limited spaces, advance booking is essential.

    Course dates 

    Isn't art full of lovely surprises?

    I was delighted to be awarded the Women Who Create Award at the Women Who, Worcestershire Awards event 2023.

    Find out more here .....

    What's it all about 
  • ROCKING THE SOCAIL MEDIA AWARDS - Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner!

    Here's me, wondering if an octopus would make a better job of holding all these awards?

    Previous Awards 
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You are an inspiration Kirstie! My artwork has improved immensely since enrolling in your watercolour classes.

Lynette V